Attention Lawrence County Taxpayers:
"The 2024 Property Tax bills will be mailed Friday, September 13, 2024"
"Tax Collection will begin on Monday, September 16, 2024"
2024 Property Tax Due Dates
2% Discount September 15, 2024 ------- November 1, 2024
Face Amount November 2, 2024 --------- December 31, 2024
5% Penalty January 1, 2025 ------------ January 31, 2025
21% Penalty February 1, 2025 ---------- April 15, 2025
I did not receive a tax bill; how do I pay my property taxes?
If you do not receive your tax bill by October 15, you should contact the Sheriff’s office for the amount due.
You can also print a copy of your tax bill at
If I do not receive a tax bill, will late fees be waived?
Pursuant to the Kentucky Administrative Regulations, not receiving a bill is not a permissible reason to waive penalties. Taxes are due at the same time each year. Tax amounts are available through the Sheriff’s Office and PVA throughout tax season. It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that taxes are paid by the due date.
I think my tax bill is incorrect...Whom do I need to contact?
The Lawrence County PVA is responsible for creating, editing, or exonerating county tax bills. You can contact the PVA at (606) 638-4743.
What forms of payment can I use to pay my taxes?
Cash, Check, Credit/Debit Cards (fees apply)
What are the fees to use a credit or debit card?
Credit Cards: 2.75%
Debit Cards: $2.50
(Please note that the convenience fees are charged by financial institutions for processing your payments and that the Sheriff’s Office receives no portion of these charges.)
How and where do I pay my tax bill?
You can pay your taxes in person at the Sheriff’s Office.
If you would like to pay by mail, please send a check or money order to
Lawrence County Sheriff
310 East Main Street
Louisa, KY 41230.
(Please include a copy of the bill or write the bill number or map # on your payment. Mailed payments must be postmarked by the current due date. If you want a receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.)
You can pay online with a credit/debit card (fees apply) at
When paying online, the full amount of the bill must be entered. Partial payments cannot be accepted. We also have a drop box located at the front door. Please put payment in an envelope. If you want a receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Is there a payment plan for taxes?
No. Taxes must be paid in full. Partial payments cannot be accepted.
If the due date is on a weekend or holiday, will the due date be extended?
Yes. The due will be extended to the next business day.
My mailing address is wrong, how do I change it?
If you have moved, please contact the PVA or Sheriff’s office to do a change of address before tax bills are printed. If a property was sold, there may not be enough time to update the owner’s name and address prior to tax bills being printed. The name and address may not be able to be changed for the current year. The following form can be emailed to, faxed to (606) 638-1316, or dropped off at our office.
Address Change Form:
I sold my property but the bill still came out in my name?
KRS 132.220 (1) (a) All taxable property and all interests in taxable property, unless otherwise specifically provided by law, shall be listed, assessed, and valued as of January 1 of each year. The assessment date for both real and personal property is January 1 of each year. The owner's name on the property tax bill will always be the person who owned the property on January 1st of the tax year. However, if ownership of the property has been transferred, the tax bill may be addressed "in care of" the new owner. Often times the parties to a real property transaction will agree to apportion the expected amount of real property taxes between the January 1 owner/seller and the buyer. However, the responsibility for paying the current year property tax bill remains with the January 1 owner unless the sales contract document(s) expressly indicates that the buyer has assumed responsibility for payment of all real property taxes due and owing for the prior January 1 assessment.
My mortgage company/bank is supposed to pay my taxes, why did I receive a bill?
All tax bills are sent to the homeowner. It is the owner’s responsibility to forward the bill to their escrow company.
I am over 65 or on disability, do I qualify for an exemption?
Homestead or disability exemptions will reduce the taxable value for the property that you live at if you are over 65 or totally disabled. The exemption will reduce your tax liability but not eliminate your tax bill unless the assessment is less than the exemption amount. To sign up for this exemption, please contact the PVA at (606) 638-4743.
What if my check gets returned?
$50.00 returned check fee. If your check is returned for any reason, your bill will be reversed to an unpaid status on the records of the Lawrence County Sheriff and Property Valuation Department. Your repayment should correspond with the payment schedule shown on the tax bill. Repayment must be made with cash, money order, certified check or credit/debit.
What happens if I don’t pay my taxes by the April 15 deadline?
If your taxes are not paid by the close of business on April 15, they will be turned over to the County Clerk. Once turned over, delinquent taxes are subject to significant fees and penalties and can be purchased by a third party.
Where do I pay prior year taxes?
For prior year taxes, please contact the Lawrence County Clerk’s Office at (606) 638-4108. The Sheriff’s office only collects the current year's property taxes.
When will I receive my mineral taxes?
Mineral taxes are sent to our office by the Department of Revenue. Due dates for mineral taxes change every year. They will be sent out as soon as they are received. If you need to make an address change for mineral taxes, please contact the Department of Revenue at (502) 564-5930.
Payments for taxes can be made as follows:
Cash, Check, and Money Orders.
Payments can be made by mail or placed in our dropbox by the front door.
For your convenience, you can now pay your Lawrence County Kentucky Property Tax Bills with a Credit/Debit card.
Credit/Debit transactions are subject to a transaction fee paid by the cardholder.
Credit Cards: 2.75%
Debit Cards: $2.50
Click Link Below To Pay With Credit Card:
Tax Collection Hours:
Monday through Friday – 8:30 A.M. to 4:30
First Saturday of the Month – 8:30 A.M. to Noon
​Monday, November 11, 2024, Veterans Day Holiday
Thursday, November 28, 2024, Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, November 29, 2024, Thanksgiving Holiday
Tuesday, December 24, 2024, Christmas Holiday
Wednesday, December 25, 2024, Christmas Holiday
Wednesday, January 1, 2025, New Years Holiday
Monday, May 26, 2025, Memorial Day Holiday
Friday, July 4, 2025, Independence Holiday
Monday, September 1, 2025, Labor Day Holiday
Tuesday, November 11, 2025, Veterans Day Holiday
Thursday, November 27, 2025, Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, November 28, 2025, Thanksgiving Holiday
Wednesday, December 24, 2025, Christmas Holiday
Thursday, December 25, 2025, Christmas Holiday
! ! ! SCAM WARNING ! ! !
The Sheriff’s Office will NEVER call you and ask you to pay over the telephone to resolve any legal document or warrant. Scammers are at it again and are now using our address of 310 East Main Street Louisa, Kentucky as a place to meet in the parking lot to settle the issue.
Please always call our office to verify any such call.

Telephone: (606) 638-4368
Fax: (606) 638-1316
Lawrence County Sheriff's Office
310 East Main Street, Louisa, Kentucky, 41230
M-F: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
1st Saturday Only 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM